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Explore Dusun Sri Pengantin

Located in the Kerinci Seblat National Park area, This little village does not yet have an electricity network. Different from other villages, it has infrastructure, electricity and telephone networks. Village children do not go to school, only if their parents have jobs outside the village. Based on this, I invite you to participate in helping village residents have an electricity network for village lighting. I have expertise with bamboo, starting from a plan to build a bamboo waterwheel that uses the river's strong flow for electricity. Providing training in preserving bamboo poles, construction and structures with bamboo and teach villagers to make other bamboo's craft. My goal is for local residents to earn a decent income.

About the environment, the air is very clean without pollution. Residents' activities in the morning, bathing in the river, some washing clothes. After that, cook for the family. You can learn to cook with them. Modernization has not touched this hamlet, that's why its beauty is firmly maintained. Residents still maintain the tradition in their daily life.

How To Get There?

To visit Dusun Sri Pengantin , you will start and stay in Lubuklinggau town. Pasenan Village is the location where you will start your adventure by small boat. The journey using a small boat will take an hour and a half.

On this trip, you will pass through the shady forest of Kerinci Seblat. There is no need to worry about traveling through the river, because the river is shallow but the flow is strong. Prepare your camera equipment to protect it from water. While you are on the boat, you may get a little wet from the splash of water from the boat.

Upon arrival at Dusun Sri Pengantin, you will immediately visit all corners of the village. Get to know the village head and local residents. Meanwhile, you can also take part in a cooking class which will be led by an English speaking guide. Or you will immediately continue your journey to an unspoiled waterfall.

The trip to the waterfall takes about 1 hour. You will be guided by a guide and accompanied by local residents. Enjoy your adventurous journey, the guide will also bring food for you. This trip is very different from other adventure trips. Because the location is in the Kerinci Seblat National Park.

There is no accommodation in Dusun Sri Pengantin. However, if you want to stay overnight, you can stay at the village head's house or put up a tent. Your guide will prepare it.

In the afternoon after your adventure, you will return to your hotel in Lubuklinggau. Next you will rest at a hotel that we recommend. The advantage you get is that your guide will be provided by the Musi Rawas tourism office.

As for other interesting programs, you will be guided to see the giant Rafflesia Arnoldi flower directly, bathe in a clean river, as well as several other adventure tourist locations.

Adventure trip in South Sumatra, we will schedule you to Palembang, Belitung, Bangka, Kalianda and climb Mount Kerinci Seblat.

Contact our team if you are interested in traveling to Lubuklinggau city.

Exotic Voyages Indonesia

WhatsApp +6287711101994

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